Spells - U, V, W, X, Y & Z

Undetectable Alignment

Level: Brd 2, Clr 2, Pal 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature or object
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)

Conceals the alignment of an object or a creature from all forms of divination.

Undetectable Aura

Illusion (Glamer)
Level: Magic 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Object touched weighing up to 5 lb./level
Duration: 1 day/level
Saving Throw: None (see text)
Spell Resistance: No

This spell allows the character to mask a magic item’s aura from detection. If the object bearing undetectable aura has identify cast on it or is similarly examined, the examiner recognizes that the aura is false and detects the object’s actual qualities if he succeeds at a Will save.


Evocation [Evil]
Level: Clr 5, Drd 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One day
Range: Touch
Area: 10-ft./level radius emanating from the touched point
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: See text

Unhallow makes a particular site, building, or structure an unholy site. This has three major effects.

First, all creatures in the area are warded from attacks by good creatures, from mental control, and from summoned or conjured creatures. All recipients get a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses apply against attacks made by good creatures. The spell blocks any attempt to possess the warded creatures or to exercise mental control over the creatures. The protection does not prevent a spell from gaining mental control over a creature, but it prevents anyone who does so from mentally commanding the protected creature. The barrier keeps out a possessing life force but does not expel one if it is in place before the spell is cast. This effect works regardless of alignment.

The spell also prevents bodily contact by summoned or conjured creatures. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. Evil elementals and outsiders are immune to this effect. The protection against contact by summoned or conjured creatures ends if the warded creature makes an attack against or tries to force the barrier against the blocked creature. Spell resistance can allow a creature to overcome this protection and touch the warded creature.

These effects are not cumulative with protection from good.

Second, all turning checks to turn undead suffer a –4 profane penalty and turning checks to rebuke undead gain a +4 profane bonus. Spell resistance does not apply to this effect. (Note: This provision does not apply to the druid version of the spell.)

Finally, the character may choose to fix a single spell effect to the unhallow site. The spell effect lasts for one year and functions throughout the entire consecrated site, regardless of its normal duration and area or effect. The character may designate whether the effect applies to all creatures, creatures who share the character's faith or alignment, or creatures who adhere to another faith or alignment. At the end of the year, the chosen effect lapses, but it can be renewed or replaced simply by casting unhallow again.

Spell effects that may be tied to an unhallow site include aid, bane, bless, cause fear, darkness, daylight, deeper darkness, detect magic, detect good, dimensional anchor, discern lies, dispel magic, endure elements, freedom of movement, invisibility purge, negative energy protection, protection from elements, remove fear, resist elements, silence, tongues, and zone of truth. Spell resistance might apply to these spells’ effects. (See the individual spell descriptions for details.)

An area can receive only one unhallow (and its associated spell effect) at a time.

Unhallow counters but does not dispel hallow.

Material Components: Worth at least 1,000 gp, plus 1,000 gp per level of the spell to be tied to the unhallowed area.

Unholy Aura

Abjuration [Evil]
Level: Clr 8, Evil 8
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 20 ft.
Targets: One creature/level in a 20-ft.-radius burst centered on the character
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

A malevolent darkness surrounds the subjects, protecting them from attacks, granting them resistance to spells cast by good creatures, and weakening good creatures when they strike the subjects. This abjuration has four effects:

First, the warded creatures gain a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus to saves. This benefit applies against all attacks, not just against attacks by good creatures.

Second, the warded creatures gain SR 25 against good spells and spells cast by good creatures.

Third, the abjuration blocks possession and mental influence.

Finally, if a good creature succeeds at a melee attack against a warded creature, the offending attacker takes 1d6 points of temporary Strength damage (Fortitude save negates).

Focus: Worth at least 500 gp.

Unholy Blight

Evocation [Evil]
Level: Evil 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: 20-ft.-radius spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: Yes

The character calls unholy power to smite the character's enemies. The power takes the form of a cold, cloying cloud of greasy darkness. Only good and neutral (not evil) creatures are harmed by the spell.

The spell deals 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 5d8) to good creatures and sickens them for 1d4 rounds. A sickened creature suffers a –2 penalty on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, skill checks, and ability checks. A successful Fortitude save reduces damage to half and negates the sickening effect.

The spell deals only half damage to creatures who are neither evil nor good, and they are not sickened. They can reduce the damage in half again (down to one-quarter of the roll) with a successful Reflex save.

Unseen Servant

Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: One invisible, mindless, shapeless servant
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The unseen servant is an invisible, mindless, shapeless force that performs simple tasks at the character's command. It can run and fetch things, open unstuck doors, and hold chairs, as well as clean and mend. The servant can perform only one activity at a time, but it repeats the same activity over and over again if told to do so. It has an effective Strength score of 2 (so it can lift 20 pounds or drag 100 pounds). It can trigger traps and such, but it can exert only 20 pounds of force. Its speed is 15 feet.

The servant cannot attack in any way; it is never allowed an attack roll. It cannot be killed, but it dissipates if it takes 6 points of damage from area attacks. (It gets no saves against attacks.) If the character attempts to send it beyond the spell’s range (measured from the character's current position), the servant ceases to exist.

Vampiric Touch

Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous/1 hour (see text)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

The character must succeed at a melee touch attack. The character's touch deals 1d6 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 10d6). The character gains temporary hit points equal to the damage the character inflicts. However, the character can’t gain more than the subject’s current hit points +10, which is enough to kill the subject. The temporary hit points disappear 1 hour later.


Transmutation [Teleportation]
Level: Sor/Wiz 7
Range: Touch
Target: One touched object of up to 50 lb./level and 3 cu. ft./level
Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)

This spell instantly transports an object to a designated destination. Creatures and magical forces cannot be made to vanish. There is a 1% chance that a vanished item is disintegrated instead.

Distance is not a factor, but interplanar travel is not possible. The character must have some clear idea of the location and layout of the destination. The clearer the character's mental image, the more likely the teleportation works. Areas of strong physical or magical energies may make teleportation more hazardous or even impossible.

Note: Teleportation is instantaneous travel through the Astral Plane. Anything that blocks astral travel also blocks teleportation.

To see how well the teleportation works, roll d% and consult the Teleport table.

Familiarty On Target Off Target Similar Area Mishap
Very familiar 01–97 98-99 100
Studied carefully 01–94 95–97 98–99 100
Seen casually 01–88 89–94 95–98 99-100
Viewed once 01–76 77–88 89–96 97-100
Description 01–52 53–76 77–92 93-100
False destination (1d20+80) 81–92 93-100

Refer to the following information for definitions of the terms on the table.

Familiarity: "Very familiar" is a place where the character has been very often and where the character feels at home. "Studied carefully" is a place the character knows well, either because the character has been there often or the character has used other means to study the place. "Seen casually" is a place that the character has seen more than once but with which the character is not very familiar. "Viewed once" is a place that the character has seen once, possibly using magic. "Description" is a place whose location and appearance the character knows through someone else’s description, perhaps even from a precise map. "False destination" is a place that doesn’t exist. When traveling to a false destination, roll 1d20+80 to obtain results on the table, rather than rolling d%, since there is no real destination for the character to hope to arrive at or even be off target from.

On Target: The object appears where the character wants it to be.

Off Target: The object appears safely a random distance away from the destination in a random direction. Distance off target is 1d10 x 1d10% of the distance that was to be traveled. The DM determines the direction off target randomly.

Similar Area: The object winds up in an area that’s visually or thematically similar to the target area. Generally, the object appears in the closest similar place, but since the spell has no range limit, the object could conceivably wind up somewhere else across the globe.

Mishap: The object takes 1d10 points of damage, and the character rerolls on the chart to see where the object winds up. For these rerolls, roll 1d20+80. Each time "Mishap" comes up, the object takes more damage and the character must reroll.

If desired, a vanished object can be sent to a distant location on the Ethereal Plane. In this case, the point from which the object vanished remains faintly magical until the item is retrieved. A successful targeted dispel magic spell cast on that point brings the vanished item back from the Ethereal Plane.


Illusion (Glamer)
Level: Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Targets: One or more creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration: Concentration + 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes (see text)

The character instantly changes the appearance of the subjects and then maintain that appearance for the spell’s duration. The character can make the subjects appear to be anything the character wishes. The subjects look, feel, and smell just like the creatures the spell makes them resemble. Affected creatures resume their normal appearances if slain. The character must succeed at a Disguise check to duplicate the appearance of a specific individual. This spell gives the character a +10 bonus on the check.

Unwilling targets can negate the spell’s effect on them by making Will saves or with SR. Those who interact with the subjects can attempt Will disbelief saves to see through the glamer, but SR doesn’t help.


Illusion (Figment)
Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, F
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Intelligible sound, usually speech
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if interacted with)
Spell Resistance: No

The character can make the character's voice (or any sound that the character can normally make vocally) seem to issue from someplace else. The character can speak in any language the character knows. With respect to such voices and sounds, anyone who hears it and rolls a successful save recognizes the sound as illusory (but still hears it).


Level: Clr 0, Drd 0, Pal 1
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 minute
Saving Throw: Yes (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

The subject gains 1 temporary hit point.


Level: Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S, M, XP
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Target: The character
Duration: See text

Vision quickly brings to the character's mind legends about an important person, place, or thing, but produces some strain on the character. The character poses a question about some person, place, or object, then casts the spell. If the person or object is at hand or if the character is in the place in question, the character receives a vision about it with a successful Scry check (DC 10). If only detailed information on the person, place, or object is known, the DC is 15, and the information gained is incomplete (though it often provides enough information to help the character find the person, place, or thing, thus allowing a better vision next time). If only rumors are known, the DC is 20, and the information gained is vague (though it often directs the character to more detailed information, thus allowing a better vision).

When completed, the divination brings legends (if any) about the person, place, or things to the character's mind. These may be legends that are still current, legends that have been forgotten, or even information that has never been generally known. If the person, place, or thing is not of legendary importance, the character gains no information. As a rule of thumb, characters 11th level and higher are "legendary," as are the sorts of creatures they contend with, the major magic items they wield, and the places where they perform their key deeds.

XP Cost: 100 XP.

Wail of the Banshee

Necromancy [Death, Sonic]
Level: Death 9, Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: One living creature/level within a 30-ft.-radius spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

The character emits a terrible scream that kills creatures that hear it (except for the character). The spell affects up to one creature per caster level. Creatures closest to the point of origin are affected first.

Wall of Fire

Evocation [Fire]
Level: Drd 5, Fire 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Opaque sheet of flame up to 20 ft. long/caster level or a ring of fire with a radius of up to 5 ft./two caster levels; either form 20 ft. high
Duration: Concentration + 1 round/level
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes

An immobile, blazing curtain of shimmering violet fire springs into existence. One side of the wall, selected by the character, sends forth waves of heat, dealing 2d4 points of fire damage to creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 points of fire damage to those past 10 feet but within 20 feet. The wall deals this damage when it appears and each round that a creature enters or remains in the area. In addition, the wall deals 2d6 points of fire damage +1 point of fire damage per caster level (maximum +20) to any creature passing through it. The wall deals double damage to undead creatures.

If the character evokes the wall so that it appears where creatures are, each creature takes damage as if passing through the wall. Each such creature can avoid the wall by making a successful Reflex save. (If the creature ends up on the hot side of the wall, it takes 2d4 points of damage, as normal.)

If any 5-foot length of wall takes 20 points of cold damage or more in 1 round, that length goes out. (Do not divide cold damage by 4, as normal for objects.)

Wall of Force

Evocation [Force]
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Wall whose area is up to one 10-ft. square/level or a sphere or hemisphere with a radius of up to 1 ft./level
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

A wall of force spell creates an invisible wall of force. The wall of force cannot move, it is immune to damage of all kinds, and it is totally unaffected by most spells, including dispel magic. However, disintegrate immediately destroys it, as does a rod of cancellation, a sphere of annihilation, and disjunction. Spells and breath weapons cannot pass through the wall in either direction, although transportation spells and effects can bypass the barrier. It blocks ethereal creatures as well as material creatures (though ethereal creatures can usually get around the wall by floating under or over it through material floors and ceilings). Gaze attacks can operate through the wall of force.

The caster can form the wall into a flat, vertical plane whose area is up to one 10-foot square per level, or into a sphere or hemisphere with a radius of up to 1 foot per level.

The wall of force must be continuous and unbroken when formed. If its surface is broken by any object or creature, the spell fails.

Wall of Ice

Evocation [Cold]
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Anchored plane of ice, up to one 10-ft. square/level, or hemisphere of ice with a radius of up to 3 ft. +1 ft./level
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell creates an anchored plane of ice or a hemisphere of ice, depending on the version selected. A wall of ice cannot form in an area occupied by physical objects or creatures. Its surface must be smooth and unbroken when created. Fire can melt a wall of ice. It deals full damage to the wall (instead of the normal half damage suffered by objects). Suddenly melting the wall of ice creates a great cloud of steamy fog that lasts for 10 minutes.

Ice Plane: A sheet of strong, hard ice appears. The wall is 1 inch thick per caster level. It covers up to a 10-foot-square area per caster level (so a 10th-level wizard can create a wall of ice 100 feet long and 10 feet high, a wall 50 feet long and 20 feet high, etc.). The plane can be oriented in any fashion as long as it is anchored. A vertical wall need only be anchored on the floor, while a horizontal or slanting wall must be anchored on two opposite sides.

Each 10-foot square of wall has 3 hit points per inch of thickness. Creatures can hit the wall automatically. A section of wall whose hit points drop to 0 is breached. If a creature tries to break through the wall with a single attack, the DC for the Strength check is 15 + caster level.

Even when the ice has been broken through, a sheet of frigid air remains. Any creature stepping through it (including the one who broke through the wall) takes 1d6 points of cold damage +1 point per caster level.

Hemisphere: The wall takes the form of a hemisphere whose maximum radius is 3 feet +1 foot per caster level. It is as hard to break through as the ice plane form, but it does not deal damage to those who go through a breach.

The character can create the hemisphere so that it traps one or more creatures, though these creatures can avoid being trapped by the hemisphere by making successful Reflex saves.

Wall of Iron

Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Iron wall whose area is up to one 5-ft. square/level (see text)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: No

The character causes a flat, vertical iron wall to spring into being. The wall inserts itself into any surrounding nonliving material if its area is sufficient to do so. The wall cannot be conjured so that it occupies the same space as a creature or another object. It must always be a flat plane, though the character can shape its edges to fit the available space.

The wall of iron is 1 inch thick per four caster levels. The character can double the wall’s area by halving its thickness. Each 5-foot square of the wall has 30 hit points per inch of thickness. Creatures can hit the wall automatically, but it is so hard that the first 10 points of damage from each blow are ignored. A section of wall whose hit points drop to 0 is breached. If a creature tries to break through the wall with a single attack, the DC for the Strength check is 25 + 2 per inch of thickness.

If the character desires, the wall can be created vertically resting on a flat surface but not attached to the surface so that it can be tipped over to fall on and crush creatures beneath it. The wall is 50% likely to tip in either direction if left unpushed. Creatures can push the wall in one direction rather than letting it fall randomly. A creature must succeed at a Strength check (DC 40) to push the wall over. Creatures with room to flee the falling wall may do so by making successful Reflex saves. Large and smaller creatures who fail take 10d6 points of damage. The wall cannot crush Huge and larger creatures.

Like any iron wall, this wall is subject to rust, perforation, and other natural phenomena.

Material Component: Worth at least 50 gp.

Wall of Stone

Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Clr 5, Drd 6, Earth 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Stone wall whose area is up to one 5-ft. square/level (S)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: No

This spell creates a wall of rock that merges into adjoining rock surfaces. The wall of stone is 1 inch thick per four caster levels and composed of up to one 5-foot square per level. The character can double the wall’s area by halving its thickness. The wall cannot be conjured so that it occupies the same space as a creature or another object.

The character can create a wall of stone in almost any shape the character desires. The wall created need not be vertical, nor rest upon any firm foundation; however, it must merge with and be solidly supported by existing stone. It can be used to bridge a chasm, for instance, or as a ramp. For this use, if the span is more than 20 feet, the wall must be arched and buttressed. This requirement reduces the spell’s area by half. The wall can be crudely shaped to allow crenellations, battlements, and so forth by likewise reducing the area.

Each 5-foot square has 15 hit points per inch of thickness. Creatures can hit the wall automatically, but the wall is so hard that the first 8 points of damage from each blow are ignored. A section of wall whose hit points drop to 0 is breached. If a creature tries to break through the wall with a single attack, the DC for the Strength check is 20 + 2 per inch of thickness.

It is possible, but difficult, to trap mobile opponents within or under a wall of stone, provided the wall is shaped so it can hold the creatures. Creatures avoid entrapment with successful Reflex saves.

Wall of Thorns

Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Drd 5, Plant 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Wall of thorny brush, up to one 10-ft. cube/level (S)
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The wall of thorns spell creates a barrier of very tough, pliable, tangled brush bearing needle-sharp thorns as long as a person’s finger. Any creature forced into or attempting to move through the wall of thorns takes 25 points of damage per round of movement, minus 1 point for each point of the creature’s AC. Dexterity bonuses to AC and dodge bonuses do not count for this calculation. (Creatures with an Armor Class of 25 or higher take no damage from contact with the wall.)

The character can make the wall as thin as 5 feet thick, which allows the character to shape the wall as a number of 10-by-10-by-5-foot blocks equal to caster level x2. This has no effect on the damage inflicted by the thorns, but any creature attempting to break through takes that much less time to force its way through the barrier.

Creatures can force their way slowly through the wall. To make any progress, a creature must succeed at a Strength check (DC 20). A successful creature moves a number of feet equal to its Strength check result minus 19. Of course, moving or attempting to move through the thorns incurs damage as described above. A creature trapped in the thorns can choose to remain motionless in order to avoid taking any more damage.

Any creature within the area of the spell when it is cast takes damage as if it had moved into the wall and is caught inside. In order to escape, it must attempt to push its way free, or it can wait until the spell ends. Creatures with the ability to pass through overgrown areas unhindered can pass through a wall of thorns at their normal speed without taking damage.

A wall of thorns can be carefully breached by slow work with edged weapons. Chopping away at the wall creates a safe passage 1 foot deep for every 10 minutes of work. Normal fire cannot harm the barrier, but magical fire burns away the barrier in 10 minutes.

Warp Wood

Level: Drd 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: 1 lb. of wood/level, all within a 20-ft. radius
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (0bject)

The character causes wood to bend and warp, permanently destroying its straightness, form, and strength. Boards or planks can also be affected. Warped ranged weapons are useless. Warped melee weapons suffer a –4 penalty to their attack rolls.

Alternatively, the character can unwarp wood with this spell, straightening wood that has been warped by this spell or by other means.

Water Breathing

Level: Clr 3, Drd 3, Sor/Wiz 3, Water 3
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creatures touched
Duration: 2 hours/level (see text)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

The transmuted creatures can breathe water freely. Divide the duration evenly among all the creatures the character touches.

The spell does not make creatures unable to breathe air.

Water Walk

Level: Clr 3, Rgr 3
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Targets: One touched creature/level
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

The transmuted creatures can tread on any liquid as if it were firm ground. Mud, oil, snow, quicksand, running water, ice, and even lava can be traversed easily, since the subjects’ feet hover an inch or two above the surface. (Creatures crossing molten lava still take damage from the heat.) The creatures can walk, run, charge, or otherwise move across the surface as if it were normal ground.

If the spell is cast underwater (or while the subjects are partially or wholly submerged in whatever liquid they are in), the subjects are borne toward the surface at 60 feet per round until they can stand on it.


Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Webs in a 20-ft.-radius spread
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Reflex negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes

Web creates a many-layered mass of strong, sticky strands. These strands trap those caught in them. The strands are similar to spider webs but far larger and tougher. These masses must be anchored to two or more solid and diametrically opposed points or else the web collapses upon itself and disappears. Creatures caught within a web or simply touching its strands become entangled among the gluey fibers.

An entangled creature suffers a –2 penalty to attack rolls, suffers a –4 penalty to effective Dexterity, and can’t move. An entangled character who attempts to cast a spell must make a Concentration check (DC 15) or lose the spell.

Anyone in the effect's area when the spell is cast must make a Reflex save. If this save succeeds, the creature is not stuck in the webs and is free to act, though moving may be a problem (see below). If the save fails, the creature is stuck. A stuck creature can break loose by spending 1 round and succeeding at a Strength check (DC 20) or an Escape Artist check (DC 25). Once loose (either by making the initial Reflex save or a later Strength check or Escape Artist check), a creature may progress through the web very slowly. Each round devoted to moving allows the creature to make a new Strength check or Escape Artist check. The creature moves 5 feet for each full 5 points by which the check result exceeds 10.

The web provides one-quarter cover for every 5 feet of the substance between the character and an opponent—one-half cover for 10 feet of web, three-quarters for 15 feet, and total cover for 20 feet or more.

The strands of a web spell are flammable. Any fire can set them alight and burn away 5 square feet in 1 round. All creatures within flaming webs take 2d4 points of damage from the flames.


Illusion (Phantasm) [Fear, Mind-Affecting]
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets: Any number of creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if interacted with), then Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: Yes

Only the spell's subjects can see the phantasmal creatures attacking them. The character sees only shadowy shapes. The subjects first get a Will save to recognize the image as unreal. If a subject fails, the phantasm touches the subject, and the subject must succeed at a Fortitude save or die from fear. Even if the Fortitude save is successful, the subject takes 3d6 points of damage and is stunned for 1 round. The subject's Strength score also drops 1d4 points for 10 minutes. A stunned creature can't act and loses any Dexterity bonus to AC. Attackers gain +2 bonuses to attack it.

If a subject of a weird attack succeeds in disbelieving and is wearing a helm of telepathy, the beast can be turned upon the character. The character must then disbelieve it or suffer its deadly fear attack.


Evocation [Air]
Level: Air 8, Drd 8
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Effect: Cyclone 10 ft. wide at base, 30 ft. wide at top, and 30 ft. tall
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Reflex negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell creates a powerful cyclone of raging wind that moves through the air, along the ground, or over water at a speed of 60 feet per round. The character can concentrate on controlling the cyclone’s every movement or specify a simple program. Directing the cyclone’s movement or changing its programmed movement is a standard action for the character. The whirlwind always moves during the character's turn in the initiative order. If the cyclone exceeds the spell’s range, it moves in a random, uncontrolled fashion for 1d3 rounds—possibly endangering the character or the character's allies—and then dissipates (the character can’t regain control of the cyclone, even if comes back within range).

Any Large or smaller creature that comes in contact with the whirlwind must succeed at a Reflex save or take 3d6 points of damage. Medium-size or smaller creatures who fail their first save must succeed at a second one or be picked up bodily by the whirlwind and held suspended in its powerful winds, taking 1d8 points of damage each round with no save allowed. The character may direct the cyclone to eject any carried creatures whenever the character wishes, depositing the hapless souls wherever the whirlwind happens to be when they are released.

Whispering Wind

Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: One mile/level
Area: 10-ft.-radius spread
Duration: No more than 1 hour/level or until discharged (destination is reached)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The character sends a message or sound on the wind to a designated spot. The whispering wind travels to a specific location within range that is familiar to the character, provided that it can find a way to the location. The whispering wind is unnoticed until it reaches the location. It then delivers its whisper-quiet message or other sound. Note that the message is delivered regardless of whether anyone is present to hear it. The wind then dissipates. The character can prepare the spell to bear a message of up to twenty-five words, cause the spell to deliver other sounds for 1 round, or merely have the whispering wind seem to be a faint stirring of the air. The character can likewise cause the whispering wind to move as slowly as one mile per hour or as quickly as one mile per 10 minutes. When the spell reaches its objective, it swirls and remains until the message is delivered. Whispering wind cannot speak verbal components, use command words, or activate magical effects.

Wind Walk

Level: Clr 6, Drd 7
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Targets: The character and one touched creature/ three levels
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw: No and Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No and Yes (harmless)

The character alters the substance of the character's body to a cloudlike vapor and moves through the air, possibly at great speed. The character can take other creatures with the character, each of which acts independently.

A magical wind wafts a wind walker along at up to 600 feet per round (60 mph) or as slow as 5 feet per round (1/2 mph), as the walker wills. Wind walkers are not invisible but rather appear misty and translucent. If fully clothed in white, they are 80% likely to be mistaken for clouds, fog, vapors, etc.

A wind walker can regain his or her physical form as desired and later resume the cloud form. Each change to and from vaporous form requires 5 rounds. The character, however, may dismiss the spell, ending it immediately. The character may even dismiss it for individual wind walkers and not others. While in vaporous form, subjects gain damage reduction 20/+1, though they may sustain damage from high winds (as determined by the DM). No spellcasting is possible in vaporous form.

For the last minute of the spell, a wind walker automatically descends 60 feet per round (for a total of 600 feet), though he or she may descend faster if he or she wishes. This descent serves as a warning that the spell is about to end.

Wind Wall

Level: Air 2, Brd 3, Clr 3, Rgr 4, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Wall up to 10 ft./level long and 5 ft./level high (S)
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes

An invisible vertical curtain of wind appears. It is 2 feet thick and of considerable strength. It is a roaring blast sufficient to blow away any bird smaller than an eagle or tear papers and similar materials from unsuspecting hands. (A Reflex save allows a creature to maintain its grasp on an object.) Tiny and Small flying creatures cannot pass through the barrier. Loose materials and cloth garments fly upward when caught in a wind wall. Arrows and bolts are deflected upward and miss, while any other normal ranged weapon passing through the wall suffers a 30% miss chance. (massive ranged weapons are not affected.) Gases, most gaseous breath weapons, and creatures in gaseous form cannot pass through the wall (although it is no barrier to incorporeal creatures).

While the wall must be vertical, the character can shape it in any continuous path along the ground that the character likes.


Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, XP
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: See text
Target, Effect, or Area: See text
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes

By simply speaking aloud, the character can alter reality to better suit the character. Even wish, however, has its limits.

A wish can do any one of the following:

The character may wish for greater effects than these, but doing so is dangerous. Such a wish gives the opportunity to fulfill the character's request without fulfilling it completely. (The wish may pervert the character's intent into a literal but undesirable fulfillment or only a partial fulfillment.)

Duplicated spells allow saves and SR as normal (but save DCs are for 9th-level spells). When a wish duplicates a spell that has an XP cost, the character must pay 5,000 XP or that cost, whichever is more. When a wish duplicates a spell with a material component that costs more than 10,000 gp, the character must provide that component.

XP Cost: 5,000 XP or more (see above).

Wood Shape

Level: Drd 2
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: One touched piece of wood no larger than 10 cu. ft. + 1 cu. ft./level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)

Wood shape enables the character to form one existing piece of wood into any shape that suits the character's purpose. This spell also permits the character to reshape a wood door to make an exit where one didn’t exist or to seal a door shut. There is a 30% chance that any shape that includes moving parts simply doesn’t work.

Word of Chaos

Evocation [Chaotic, Sonic]
Level: Chaos 7, Clr 7
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 ft.
Area: Creatures in a 30-ft.-radius spread centered on the character
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

Uttering word of chaos creates two effects:

If the character is on the character's home plane, nonchaotic extraplanar creatures within the area are instantly banished back to their home planes. Creatures so banished cannot return for at least 1 day. This effect takes place regardless of whether the creatures hear the word of chaos.

Creatures native to the character's plane who hear the word of chaos and are not chaotic suffer the following ill effects:

HD Effect
12 or more Deafened
Less than 12 Slowed, deafened
Less than 8 Paralyzed, slowed, deafened
Less than 4 Killed, paralyzed, slowed, deafened
The effects are cumulative.

Deafened: The creature is deafened (see blindness/deafness) for 1d4 rounds.

Blinded: The creature is blinded (see blindness/deafness) for 2d4 rounds.

Paralyzed: The creature is paralyzed and helpless for 1d10 minutes, unable to move or act in any way.

Killed: Living creatures die. Undead creatures are destroyed

Word of Recall

Transmutation [Teleportation]
Level: Clr 6, Drd 8
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Unlimited
Target: The character and objects and willing creatures totaling up to 50 lb./level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None or Will negates (harmless, object)
Spell Resistance: No or Yes (harmless, object)

Word of recall teleports the character instantly back to the character's sanctuary when the word is uttered. The character must designate the sanctuary when the character prepares the spell, and it must be a very familiar place. The actual point of arrival is a designated area no larger than 10 feet by 10 feet. The character can be transported any distance within a plane but cannot travel between planes. The character can transport, in addition to him or herself, objects and creatures weighing up to 50 pounds per caster level. Exceeding this limit causes the spell to fail.

An unwilling creature can't be teleported by word of recall. Likewise, a creature's Will save (or SR) prevents items in its possession from being teleported. Unattended, nonmagical objects receive no saving throw.

Zone of Truth

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Clr 2
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: 5-ft.-radius/level emanation
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

Creatures within the emanation area (or those who enter it) can’t speak any deliberate and intentional lies. Creatures are allowed a save to avoid the effects when the spell is cast or when they first enter the emanation area. Affected creatures are aware of this enchantment. Therefore, they may avoid answering questions to which they would normally respond with a lie, or they may be evasive as long as they remain within the boundaries of the truth. Creatures who leave the area are free to speak as they choose.