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COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Conversion of System Rules Document monster information to XML format Copyright 2001 John Hanju Kim.
SizeAndType: Medium-Size Humanoid (Orc)
HitDice: 1d8 (4)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (scale mail); base 30 ft.
ArmorClass: 14 (+4 scale mail)
Attacks: Greataxe +3 melee; or javelin +1 ranged
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+3; or javelin 1d6+2
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
SpecialQualities: Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +0, Will -1
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +2, Spot +2
Feats: Alertness
ClimateAndTerrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Gang (2-4), squad (11-20 plus 2 3rd-levelsergeants and 1 leader of 3rd-6th level), or band (30-100 plus 150% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 10 adults, 5 5th-level lieutenants, and 3 7th-level captains)
ChallengeRating: 1/2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Advancement: By character class
Special Ability

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Orcs suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

An orc's favored class is barbarian. Orc clerics can choose two of the following domains: Chaos, Evil, Strength, and War.

SizeAndType: Large Aberration
HitDice: 6d8+6 (33)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft.
ArmorClass: 17 (-1 size, +8 natural)
Attacks: 2 tentacle rakes +3 melee, bite -2 melee
Damage: Tentacle rake 1d6, bite 1d4
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. (15 ft. with tentacle)
SpecialAttacks: Improved grab, constrict 1d6, disease
SpecialQualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Hide +5*, Listen +6, Spot +9
Feats: Alertness
ClimateAndTerrain: Any underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, or cluster (2-4)
ChallengeRating: 4
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 7-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)

Otyughs speak Common.

Special Ability

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the otyugh must hit a Medium-size or smaller opponent with a tentacle attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Special Ability

Constrict (Ex): An otyugh deals automatic tentacle damage to a Medium-size or smaller opponent with a successful grapple check.

Special Ability

Disease (Ex): Filth fever [bite, Fortitude save (DC 12), incubation period 1d3 days; damage 1d3 temporary Dexterity and 1d3 temporary Constitution.]

Skills: *An otyugh receives a +8 racial bonus to Hide checks when in its lair, due to its natural coloration.

SizeAndType: Large Beast
HitDice: 5d10+20 (47)
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.
ArmorClass: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural)
Attacks: 2 claws +7 melee, bite +2 melee
Damage: Claw 1d6+5, bite 1d8+2
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
SpecialAttacks: Improved grab
SpecialQualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 19, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +7
ClimateAndTerrain: Temperate forest
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (5-8)
ChallengeRating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Advancement: 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)

A lair usually has 1d6 young, fetching a price of 3,000 gp each in many civilized areas. While owlbears cannot be domesticated, they can still be placed in strategically important areas as free-roaming guardians. A professional trainer charges 2,000 gp to rear or train an owlbear (DC 23 for a young creature, DC 30 for an adult).

Special Ability

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the owlbear must hit with a claw attack.

Orc:Half Orc
SizeAndType: Medium-Size Humanoid (Orc)
HitDice: 1d8 (4)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (scale mail); base 30 ft.
ArmorClass: 14 (+4 scale mail)
Attacks: Greataxe +2 melee; or javelin +1 ranged
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+1; or javelin 1d6+1
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
SpecialQualities: Darkvision 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +0, Will -1
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +2, Spot +2
Feats: Alertness
ClimateAndTerrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Gang (2-4), squad (11-20 plus 2 3rd-levelsergeants and 1 leader of 3rd-6th level), or band (30-100 plus 150% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 10 adults, 5 5th-level lieutenants, and 3 7th-level captains)
ChallengeRating: 1/2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Advancement: By character class

A half-orc's favored class is barbarian.

SizeAndType: Large Giant
HitDice: 4d8+8 (26)
Initiative: -1 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.
ArmorClass: 16 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +5 natural, +3 hide)
Attacks: Huge greatclub +8 melee; or Huge longspear +1 ranged
Damage: Huge greatclub 2d6+7; or Huge longspear 2d6+5
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. (15-20 ft. with longspear)
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +1
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 7
Skills: Climb +4, Listen +2, Spot +2
Feats: Weapon Focus (greatclub)
ClimateAndTerrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (2-4), or band (5-8)
ChallengeRating: 2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Advancement: By character class

Ogres speak Giant, and those specimens who boast Intelligence scores of at least 10 also speak Common.

Ogre:Merrow (Aquatic Ogre)
SizeAndType: Large Giant
HitDice: 4d8+8 (26)
Initiative: -1 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft., swim 40 ft.
ArmorClass: 16 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +5 natural, +3 hide)
Attacks: Huge longspear +7 melee; or Huge longspear +1 ranged
Damage: Huge longspear 1d8+7; or Huge longspear 2d6+5
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. (15-20 ft. with longspear)
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +1
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 7
Skills: Climb +4, Listen +2, Spot +2
Feats: Weapon Focus (longspear)
ClimateAndTerrain: Any aquatic
Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (2-4), or band (5-8)
ChallengeRating: 2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Advancement: By character class

Merrows speak Giant, and those specimens who boast Intelligence scores of at least 10 also speak Common.

Apart from their habitat, speed (swim 40 ft.), and their penchant for longspears (attack +7 melee, damage 1d8+7), Merrows are identical with their landbound cousins.

Ogre:Ogre Mage
SizeAndType: Large Giant
HitDice: 5d8+15 (37)
Initiative: +4 (Improved Initiative)
Speed: 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (good)
ArmorClass: 18 (-1 size, +5 natural, +4 chain shirt)
Attacks: Huge greatsword +7 melee; or Huge longbow +2 ranged
Damage: Huge greatsword 2d8+7; or Huge longbow 2d6
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
SpecialAttacks: Spell-like abilities
SpecialQualities: Regeneration 2, SR 18
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +3
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 17
Skills: Concentration +6, Listen +5, Spellcraft +4, Spot +5
Feats: Improved Initiative
ClimateAndTerrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, or troupe (1-2 plus 2-4 ogres)
ChallengeRating: 8
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Usually lawful evil
Advancement: By character class

Ogre mages speak Giant and Common.

Special Ability

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-darkness and invisibility; 1/day-charm person, cone of cold, gaseous form, polymorph self, and sleep. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 9th-level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Special Ability

Flight (Su): An ogre mage can cease or resume flight as a free action. While in gaseous form it can fly at normal speed and has perfect maneuverability.

Special Ability

Regeneration (Ex): Ogre mages take normal damage from fire and acid. An ogre mage that loses a limb or body part can reattach it by holding the severed member to the stump. Reattachment takes 1 minute. If the head or other vital organ is severed, it must be reattached within 10 minutes or the creature dies. Ogre mages cannot regrow lost body parts.

Ooze:Gray Ooze
SizeAndType: Medium-Size Ooze
HitDice: 3d10+10 (26)
Initiative: -5 (Dex)
Speed: 10 ft.
ArmorClass: 5 (-5 Dex)
Attacks: Slam +3 melee
Damage: Slam 1d6+1 and 1d6 acid
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
SpecialAttacks: Improved grab, acid, corrosion, constrict 1d6+1 and 1d6 acid
SpecialQualities: Blindsight, cold and fire immunity, ooze, camouflage
Saves: Fort +1, Ref -4, Will -4
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 1, Con 11, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
ClimateAndTerrain: Any marsh and underground
Organization: Solitary
ChallengeRating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Medium-size); 7-9 HD (Large)
Special Ability

Ooze: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.

Special Ability

Blindsight (Ex): An ooze's entire body is a primitive sensory organ that can ascertain prey by scent and vibration within 60 feet.

Special Ability

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the gray ooze must hit with its slam attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Special Ability

Acid (Ex): A gray ooze secretes a digestive acid that quickly dissolves organic material and metal. Any melee hit deals acid damage. The ooze's acidic touch deals 40 points of damage per round to wood or metal objects. Armor or clothing dissolves and becomes useless immediately unless it succeeds at a Reflex save (DC 19). The acid cannot harm stone. A metal or wooden weapon that strikes a gray ooze also dissolves immediately unless it succeeds at a Reflex save (DC 19).

Special Ability

Constrict (Ex): A gray ooze deals automatic slam and acid damage with a successful grapple check. The opponent's clothing and armor suffer a -4 penalty to Reflex saves against the acid.

Special Ability

Camouflage (Ex): It takes a successful Spot check (DC 15) to recognize a motionless gray ooze for what it really is.

Ooze:Gelatinous Cube
SizeAndType: Huge Ooze
HitDice: 4d10+36 (58)
Initiative: -5 (Dex)
Speed: 15 ft.
ArmorClass: 3 (-2 size, -5 Dex)
Attacks: Slam +1 melee
Damage: Slam 1d6+4 and 1d6 acid
FaceAndReach: 10 ft. by 10 ft./10 ft.
SpecialAttacks: Engulf, paralysis, acid
SpecialQualities: Blindsight, transparent, electricity immunity, ooze
Saves: Fort +5, Ref -4, Will -4
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 1, Con 19, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
ClimateAndTerrain: Any underground
Organization: Solitary
ChallengeRating: 3
Treasure: 1/10th coins, 50% goods (no nonmetal or nonstone), 50% items (no nonmetal or nonstone)
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5-12 HD (Huge); 13-24 HD (Gargantuan)
Special Ability

Ooze: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.

Special Ability

Blindsight (Ex): An ooze's entire body is a primitive sensory organ that can ascertain prey by scent and vibration within 60 feet.

Special Ability

Engulf (Ex): Although it moves slowly, a gelatinous cube can simply mow down Large or smaller creatures as a standard action. It cannot make a slam attack during a round in which it engulfs. The gelatinous cube merely has to move over the opponents, affecting as many as it can cover. Opponents can make opportunity attacks against the cube, but if they do so they are not entitled to a saving throw. Those who do not attempt opportunity attacks must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 13) or be engulfed; on a success, they are pushed back or aside (opponent's choice) as the cube moves forward. Engulfed creatures are subject to the cube's paralysis and acid, and are considered to be grappled and trapped within its body.

Special Ability

Paralysis (Ex): Gelatinous cubes secrete an anesthetizing slime. A target hit by a cube's melee or engulf attack must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 16) or be paralyzed for 3d6 rounds. The cube can automatically engulf a paralyzed opponent.

Special Ability

Acid (Ex): A gelatinous cube's acid does not harm metal or stone.

Special Ability

Transparent (Ex): Gelatinous cubes are hard to see, even under ideal conditions, and it takes a successful Spot check (DC 15) to notice one. Creatures who fail to notice a cube and walk into it are automatically engulfed.

Ooze:Ochre Jelly
SizeAndType: Large Ooze
HitDice: 6d10+27 (60)
Initiative: -5 (Dex)
Speed: 10 ft., climb 10 ft.
ArmorClass: 4 (-1 size, -5 Dex)
Attacks: Slam +5 melee
Damage: Slam 2d4+3 and 1d4 acid
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./10 ft.
SpecialAttacks: Improved grab, acid, constrict 2d4+3 and 1d4 acid
SpecialQualities: Blindsight, split, ooze
Saves: Fort +4, Ref -3, Will -3
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 1, Con 15, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
ClimateAndTerrain: Any marsh and underground
Organization: Solitary
ChallengeRating: 5
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 7-9 HD (Large); 10-18 HD (Huge)
Special Ability

Ooze: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.

Special Ability

Blindsight (Ex): An ooze's entire body is a primitive sensory organ that can ascertain prey by scent and vibration within 60 feet.

Special Ability

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the ochre jelly must hit with its slam attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Special Ability

Acid (Ex): An ochre jelly secretes a digestive acid that dissolves only flesh. Any melee hit deals acid damage.

Special Ability

Constrict (Ex): An ochre jelly deals automatic slam and acid damage with a successful grapple check.

Special Ability

Split (Ex): Weapons and electricity attacks deal no damage to an ochre jelly. Instead the creature splits into two identical jellies, each with half the original's hit points (round down). A jelly with only 1 hit point cannot be further split.

Ooze:Black Pudding
SizeAndType: Huge Ooze
HitDice: 10d10+60 (115)
Initiative: -5 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
ArmorClass: 3 (-2 size, -5 Dex)
Attacks: Slam +8 melee
Damage: Slam 2d6+4 and 2d6 acid
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft.
SpecialAttacks: Improved grab, acid, constrict 2d6+4 and 2d6 acid
SpecialQualities: Blindsight, split, ooze
Saves: Fort +7, Ref -2, Will -2
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 1, Con 19, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
ClimateAndTerrain: Any marsh and underground
Organization: Solitary
ChallengeRating: 7
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 11-15 HD (Huge); 16-30 HD (Gargantuan)
Special Ability

Ooze: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.

Special Ability

Blindsight (Ex): An ooze's entire body is a primitive sensory organ that can ascertain prey by scent and vibration within 60 feet.

Special Ability

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the black pudding must hit with its slam attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Special Ability

Acid (Ex): The pudding secretes a digestive acid that dissolves organic material and metal quickly. Any melee hit deals acid damage. The pudding's acidic touch deals 50 points of damage per round to wood or metal objects. The opponent's armor and clothing dissolve and become useless immediately unless they succeed at Reflex saves (DC 19). The acid can dissolve stone, dealing 20 points of damage per round of contact. A metal or wooden weapon that strikes a black pudding also dissolves immediately unless it succeeds at a Reflex save (DC 19).

Special Ability

Constrict (Ex): A black pudding deals automatic slam and acid damage with a successful grapple check. The opponent's clothing and armor suffer a -4 penalty to Reflex saves against the acid.

Special Ability

Split (Ex): Weapons deal no damage to a black pudding. Instead the creature splits into two identical puddings, each with half the original's hit points (round down). A pudding with only 1 hit point cannot be further split.