When a harpy engages in battle, it prefers to use Flyby Attack and strike with a melee weapon.
Captivating Song (Su): The most insidious ability of the harpy is its song. When a harpy sings, all creatures (other than harpies) within a 300-foot spread must succeed at a Will save (DC 15) or become utterly captivated. This is a sonic, mind-affecting charm. If the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by that harpy's song for one day. A captivated victim walks toward the harpy, taking the most direct route available. If the path leads into a dangerous area, that creature gets a second saving throw. Captivated creatures can take no actions other than to defend themselves. A victim within 5 feet of the harpy stands there and offers no resistance to the monster's attacks. The effect continues for as long as the harpy sings. A bard's countersong ability allows the captivated creature to attempt a new Will save.
Hell hounds do not speak but understand Infernal.
Hell hounds are efficient hunters. A favorite pack tactic is to surround prey quietly, then attack with one or two hounds, driving it with their fiery breath toward the rest. If the prey doesn't run, the pack closes in. Hell hounds track fleeing prey relentlessly.
Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of fire, 30 feet, every 2d4 rounds; damage 1d4+1, Reflex half DC 13. The fiery breath also ignites any flammable materials within the cone. Hell hounds can use their breath weapon while biting.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.
Skills: Hell hounds receive a +5 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks. *They also receive a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks and Wilderness Lore checks when tracking by scent, due to their keen sense of smell.
Hippogriffs dive at their prey and strike with their taloned forelegs. When they cannot dive, they slash with claws and beak.
Skills: *Hippogriffs receive a +4 racial bonus to Spot checks during daylight hours.
Training a hippogriff as an aerial mount requires a successful Handle Animal check (DC 21 for a young creature, or DC 28 for an adult) and that the creature be willing. Hippogriffs mature at the same rate as horses. Trainers can reduce the DC by 5 and the rearing time by one-half by using a magic bridle enchanted for this purpose.
Hippogriff eggs are worth 2,000 gp apiece on the open market, while young are worth 3,000 gp each. Professional trainers charge 1,000 gp to rear or train a hippogriff. Riding a trained hippogriff requires an exotic saddle. A hippogriff can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds at a Ride check.
Carrying Capacity: A light load for a hippogriff is up to 300 pounds; a medium load, 301-600 pounds; and a heavy load, 601-900 pounds.
Hobgoblins speak Goblin and Common.
These creatures have a strong grasp of strategy and tactics and are capable of carrying out sophisticated battle plans. Under the leadership of a skilled strategist or tactician, their discipline can prove a deciding factor. Hobgoblins hate elves and attack them first, in preference to other opponents.
Skills: Hobgoblins receive a +4 racial bonus to Move Silently checks.
A hobgoblin's favored class is fighter. Hobgoblin clerics can choose two of the following domains: Evil, Destruction, and Trickery.
Homunculi land on their victims and bite with their venomous fangs.
Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 11); initial damage sleep for 1 minute, secondary damage sleep for another 5d6 minutes.
Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.
A homunculus costs 100 gp to create, including 20 gp for the body. This cost includes all the materials and spell components that are consumed by or become a permanent part of the creation.
Creating the body requires a Craft (sculpture or masonry) check (DC of 12).
After the body is sculpted, it is animated through an extended magical ritual that requires a 7th-level character with the Craft Wondrous Item feat. This ritual requires a week to complete: The creator must labor for at least 8 hours each day in a specially prepared laboratory or workroom, similar to an alchemist's laboratory and costing 500 gp to establish. If the creator is personally constructing the creature's body, the building and ritual can be performed together.
A character not actively working on the ritual must rest and can perform no other activities except eating, sleeping, or talking. If he or she misses a day, the process fails, and the ritual must be started anew; any gp spent on the failed ritual is lost (but not XP). The previously crafted body can be reused, as can the laboratory.
Completing the ritual requires casting arcane eye, mirror image, and mending on the final day of the ritual and drains 25 XP from the creator. He or she must cast the spells personally, but they can come from outside sources, such as scrolls.
Howlers attack in groups, for they are cowardly and cruel. They prefer to charge into combat, race out, and then charge in again.
Quills (Ex): The howler's neck bristles with long quills. While biting, the creature thrashes about, striking with 1d4 of them. An opponent hit by the howler's quill attack must make a Reflex save (DC 16) or have the quill break off in his or her flesh. A lodged quill imposes a -1 circumstance penalty to attacks, saves, and checks. Removing the quill deals 1d6 additional points of damage.
Howl (Ex): All beings other than outsiders that hear the creature's howling for an hour or more are subject to its effect, though it does not help the howler in combat. Those within a 100-foot spread must succeed at a Will save (DC 12) or take 1 point of temporary Wisdom damage. The save must be repeated for each hour of exposure. This is a sonic, mind-affecting attack; deafened creatures are not subject to it.
Small and Medium-size infernal creatures such as quasits, abyssal orcs, or even succubi sometimes use howlers as mounts or pack animals. They are particularly useful underground. Larger and more powerful demons use them like hunting dogs.
Training a howler requires a successful Handle Animal check (DC 23 for a young creature, or DC 30 for an adult) and that the creature be willing. Trainers can reduce the DC by 5 and the rearing time by one-half by using a magic harness enchanted for the purpose. Riding a howler requires an exotic saddle. A howler can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds at a Ride check.
Carrying Capacity: A light load for a howler is up to 460 pounds; a medium load, 461-920 pounds; and a heavy load, 921-1,380 pounds. A howler can drag 6,900 pounds.
Sea hags speak Giant and Common.
Horrific Appearance (Su): The sight of a sea hag is so revolting that anyone who sets eyes upon one must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 11) or instantly be weakened, taking 2d8 points of temporary Strength damage. This cannot reduce a victim to a negative Strength score, but anyone reduced to Strength 0 is helpless. Creatures who successfully save cannot be affected again by the same hag's horrific appearance for one day.
Evil Eye (Su): Three times per day a sea hag can cast its dire gaze upon any single creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 11). Creatures who fail have a 25% chance of dying instantly from fright; even if they survive, they fall into a whimpering catatonia for three days, although remove curse or dispel evil can restore sanity sooner.
Water Breathing (Ex): Sea hags can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use their abilities while submerged.
Annis speak Giant and Common.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the annis must hit a Large or smaller creature with a claw attack.
Rend (Ex): An annis that hits with both claw attacks latches onto the opponent's body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 2d6+14 points of damage.
Tear (Ex): An annis automatically hits a held opponent with all its melee attacks each round it maintains the hold.
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-change self and fog cloud. These abilities are as the spells cast by an 8th-level sorcerer.
Steely Skin (Ex): The steely skin of an annis reduces damage dealt by slashing and piercing weapons by 1 point of damage per hit. Conversely, their brittle bones increase damage dealt by bludgeoning weapons by 1 point per hit. (Treat combination weapons such as morningstars as bludgeoning weapons.)
Green Hags speak Giant and Common.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will: change self, dancing lights, ghost sound, invisibility, pass without trace, tongues, and water breathing. These abilities are as the spells cast by an 8th-level sorcerer (save DC 10 + spell level).
Weakness (Su): The green hag can weaken a foe by making a special touch attack. The affected opponent must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 13) or take 2d4 points of temporary Strength damage.
Mimicry (Ex): Green hags can imitate the sounds of almost any animal found near their lairs.
Halflings speak Halfling and Common.
Halflings prefer to fight defensively, usually hiding and launching ranged attacks as the foe approaches.
Halfling Traits (Ex): Halflings benefit from a number of racial traits.
Skills: Halflings are agile, surefooted, and athletic. They receive a +2 racial bonus to Climb, Jump, and Move Silently checks. Their keen hearing bestows a +2 racial bonus to Listen checks.
A halfling's favored class is rogue.
Tallfellows speak Halfling and Common, and generally speak Elven as well.
Halflings prefer to fight defensively, usually hiding and launching ranged attacks as the foe approaches.
Tallfellow Traits (Ex): Tallfellows benefit from a number of racial traits.
Skills: Tallfellows's keen hearing bestows a +2 racial bonus to Listen checks.
A halfling's favored class is rogue.
Deep Halflings speak Halfling, Common, and Dwarven.
Halflings prefer to fight defensively, usually hiding and launching ranged attacks as the foe approaches.
Deep Halfling Traits (Ex): Deep halflings benefit from a number of racial traits.
Skills: Deep halflings receive a +2 racial bonus to Appraise checks and Craft checks that are related to stone or metal. Their keen hearing bestows a +2 racial bonus to Listen checks.
A deep halfling's favored class is rogue.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.
Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.
These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.
Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.
The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.
To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.
Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.
Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.
Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.