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COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Conversion of System Rules Document monster information to XML format Copyright 2001 John Hanju Kim.
SizeAndType: Huge Aberration (Aquatic)
HitDice: 8d8+40 (76)
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 10 ft., swim 60 ft.
ArmorClass: 16 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +7 natural)
Attacks: 4 tentacles +12 melee
Damage: Tentacle 1d6+9 and transformation
FaceAndReach: 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft.
SpecialAttacks: Transformation, psionics, enslave
SpecialQualities: Mucus cloud
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +11
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 17
Skills: Concentration +16, Knowledge (any one) +7, Listen +16,Spot +16
Feats: Alertness, Combat Casting, Iron Will
ClimateAndTerrain: Any underground
Organization: Solitary, brood (2-4), or slaver brood (1d3+1 plus7-12 skum)
ChallengeRating: 7
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Usually lawful evil
Advancement: 9-16 HD (Huge); 17-24 HD (Gargantuan)

Aboleth speak their own language, as well as Undercommon and Aquan.


An aboleth attacks by flailing with its long, slimy tentacles, though it prefers to fight from a distance using its illusion powers.

Special Ability

Transformation (Ex): A blow from an aboleth's tentacle can cause a terrible transformation. Affected creatures must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or begin to transform over the next 1d4+1 minutes, the skin gradually becoming a clear, slimy membrane. A transformed creature must remain moistened with cool, fresh water or suffer 1d12 points of damage every 10 minutes. A remove disease spell cast before the transformation is complete will restore an afflicted creature to normal. Afterward, however, only a heal or mass heal spell can reverse the change.

Special Ability

Psionics (Sp): At will: hypnotic pattern, illusory wall, mirage arcana, persistent image, programmed image, project image, and veil. These effects are as the spells cast by a 16th-level sorcerer (save DCs, where applicable, are 13 + spell level).

Special Ability

Enslave (Su): Three times a day, an aboleth can attempt to enslave any one living creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed at a Will save (DC 17) or be affected as though by a dominate person spell cast by a 16th-level sorcerer. An enslaved creature obeys the aboleth's telepathic commands (but will not fight on its behalf) until freed by remove curse or dispel magic, and can attempt a new Will save every 24 hours to break free. The control is also broken if the aboleth dies or travels more than one mile from its slave.

Special Ability

Mucus Cloud (Ex): An aboleth underwater surrounds itself with a viscous cloud of mucus roughly 1 foot thick. Any creature coming into contact with and inhaling this substance must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or lose the ability to breathe air for the next 3 hours. The affected creature suffocates in 2d6 minutes if removed from the water. Renewed contact with the mucus cloud and failing another Fortitude save continues the effect for another 3 hours.

SizeAndType: Large Outsider (Evil, Lawful)
HitDice: 6d8+12 (39)
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 50 ft.
ArmorClass: 20 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +10 natural)
Attacks: 2 claws +9 melee, bite +4 melee
Damage: Claw 2d6+4, bite 4d6+2
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
SpecialAttacks: Black cloud
SpecialQualities: SR 19
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +7
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 16
Skills: Climb +13, Jump +13, Listen +11, Move Silently +10, SenseMotive +11, Spot +11
Feats: Dodge, Mobility
ClimateAndTerrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary or flock (5-8)
ChallengeRating: 5
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Always lawful evil
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Large); 13-18 HD (Huge)

Achaierai speak Infernal.


In close combat, achaierai lash out with two of their four legs and snap with their powerful beaks. These attack modes alone would make them deadly warriors.

Special Ability

Black Cloud (Ex): Up to three times per day an achaierai can release a choking, toxic black cloud. Those other than achaierai within 10 feet instantly take 2d6 points of damage. They must also succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be affected for 3 hours as though by an insanity spell cast by a 16th-level sorcerer.

SizeAndType: Medium-Size Undead (Incorporeal)
HitDice: 4d12 (26)
Initiative: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: Fly 30 ft. (perfect)
ArmorClass: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 deflection)
Attacks: Incorporeal touch +3 melee
Damage: Incorporeal touch 1d4 permanent Wisdom drain
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
SpecialAttacks: Babble, Wisdom drain, madness
SpecialQualities: Undead, incorporeal, +2 turn resistance
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +4
Abilities: Str -, Dex 12, Con -, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 18
Skills: Hide +8, Intimidate +11, Intuit Direction +4, Listen +7,Search +7, Spot +7
Feats: Improved Initiative
ClimateAndTerrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary
ChallengeRating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 5-12 HD (Medium-size)

Allips are unable to cause physical harm, although they don't appear to know that. They keep flailing away at their enemies, yet they inflict no wounds.

Special Ability

Babble (Su): An allip constantly mutters and whines to itself, creating a hypnotic effect. All sane creatures within 60 feet of the allip must succeed at a Will save (DC 16) or be affected as though by a hypnotism spell for 2d4 rounds. This is a sonic, mind-affecting compulsion. Opponents who successfully save cannot be affected by the same allip's babble for one day.

Special Ability

Wisdom Drain (Su): Those whose Wisdom is reduced to 0 by the allip become helpless until at least 1 point of Wisdom is restored.

Special Ability

Madness (Su): Anyone targeting the allip with a mind-control or telepathic ability makes direct contact with its tortured mind and takes 1d4 points of temporary Wisdom damage.

SizeAndType: Large Beast
HitDice: 3d10+9 (25)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft., burrow 20 ft.
ArmorClass: 18 (-1 size, +9 natural)
Attacks: Bite +6 melee
Damage: Bite 2d6+7
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
SpecialAttacks: Improved grab, acid, spit acid
SpecialQualities: Tremorsense
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 1, Wis 13, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +4
ClimateAndTerrain: Temperate and warm plains, forest, andunderground
Organization: Solitary or cluster (2-4)
ChallengeRating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 4 HD (Large); 5-9 HD (Huge)

An ankheg usually lies 5 to 10 feet below the surface until its antennae detect the approach of prey. It then burrows up to attack. (Treat this as a charge.)

Special Ability

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the ankheg must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it deals automatic bite damage each round the hold is maintained. If the ankheg is damaged after grabbing its prey, it retreats backward down its tunnel at burrowing speed, dragging the victim with it.

Special Ability

Acid (Ex): Acidic enzymes drip from an ankheg's mouth each round it maintains a hold. It automatically deals 1d4 points of acid damage each round in addition to bite damage.

Special Ability

Spit Acid (Ex): Stream of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 30 feet long, once every 6 hours; damage 4d4, Reflex half DC 14. One such attack depletes the ankheg's acid supply for 6 hours. It cannot spit acid or deal acid damage during this time. Ankhegs do not use this ability unless they are desperate or frustrated. They most often spit acid when reduced to fewer than half their hit points or when they have not successfully grabbed an opponent.

Special Ability

Tremorsense (Ex): Ankhegs can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with the ground.

SizeAndType: Medium-Size Shapechanger
HitDice: 3d8+6 (19)
Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 50 ft., climb 25 ft.
ArmorClass: 13 (+2 Dex, +1 natural)
Attacks: Bite +4 melee; or web +4 ranged
Damage: Bite 1d6 and poison
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
SpecialAttacks: Spells, web, poison
SpecialQualities: Alternate form
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 14
Skills: Climb +14, Concentration +8, Craft (weaving) +8, EscapeArtist +8, Jump +6, Listen +3, Spot +3
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (bite)
ClimateAndTerrain: Temperate and warm forest and underground
Organization: Solitary or colony (3-6)
ChallengeRating: 4
Treasure: Standard coins; double goods; standard items
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: By character class

Araneas speak Common and Sylvan.


Araneas avoid physical combat and use their webs and spells when they can. In a battle, they try to immobilize or distract the most aggressive opponents first. Araneas often subdue opponents for ransom.

Special Ability

Spells: Araneas cast spells as 3rd-level sorcerers (save DC 12 + spell level). They prefer illusions and charms but avoid fire spells.

Special Ability

Web (Ex): In spider or hybrid form (see Alternate Form, below), an aranea can cast a web up to six times per day. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50 feet, with a range increment of 10 feet, and is effective against targets of up to Large size. The web anchors the target in place, allowing no movement. An entangled creature can escape with a successful Escape Artist check (DC 20) or burst the web with a successful Strength check (DC 26). The web has 6 hit points and takes double damage from fire.

Special Ability

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 13); initial damage 1d6 temporary Strength, secondary damage 2d6 temporary Strength.

Special Ability

Alternate Form (Su): An aranea's natural form is that of a Large monstrous spider. It can assume two other forms. The first is a Small or Medium-size humanoid (the exact form is fixed at birth). The second form is a Medium-size, spider-humanoid hybrid. Changing form is a standard action. In humanoid form, the aranea gains all the abilities of the form (for example, an aranea in dwarf form has dwarven racial traits). The aranea keeps its ability scores and can cast spells, but it cannot use webs or poison in humanoid form. In hybrid form, an aranea looks like a humanoid at first glance, but a successful Spot check (DC 18) reveals the creature's fangs and spinnerets. The aranea can use weapons and webs in this form. An aranea remains in one form until it chooses to assume a new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, nor does the aranea revert to its natural form when killed. A true seeing spell, however, reveals its natural form if it is in humanoid or hybrid form.

Assassin Vine
SizeAndType: Large Plant
HitDice: 4d8+12 (30)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 0 ft.
ArmorClass: 15 (-1 size, +6 natural)
Attacks: Slam +7 melee
Damage: Slam 1d6+7
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. (20 ft. with vine)
SpecialAttacks: Entangle, improved grab, constrict 1d6+7
SpecialQualities: Camouflage, electricity immunity,cold and fire resistance 20, blindsight
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +2
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 10, Con 16, Int -, Wis 13, Cha 9
ClimateAndTerrain: Temperate and warm forest and underground
Organization: Solitary or patch (2-4)
ChallengeRating: 3
Treasure: 1/10th coins; 50% goods; 50% items
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5-16 HD (Huge); 17-32 HD (Gargantuan); 33+ HD(Colossal)

Assassin vines use simple tactics: They lie still until prey comes within reach, then attack. They use their entangle ability both to catch prey and to deter counterattacks.

Special Ability

Entangle (Su): An assassin vine can animate plants within 30 feet of itself as a free action. The effect lasts until the vine dies or decides to end it (also a free action). The ability is otherwise similar to entangle as cast by a 4th-level druid (save DC 13).

Special Ability

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the assassin vine must hit with its slam attack.

Special Ability

Constrict (Ex): An assassin vine deals 1d6+7 points of damage with a successful grapple check against Medium-size or smaller creatures.

Special Ability

Blindsight (Ex): Assassin vines have no visual organs but can ascertain all foes within 30 feet using sound, scent, and vibration.

Special Ability

Camouflage (Ex): Since an assassin vine looks like a normal plant when at rest, it takes a successful Spot check (DC 20) to notice it before it attacks. Anyone with Wilderness Lore or Knowledge (plants or herbs) can use those skills instead of Spot to notice the plant. Dwarves can use stonecunning to notice the subterranean version.

SizeAndType: Huge Aberration
HitDice: 14d8+70 (133)
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 50 ft.
ArmorClass: 20 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +3 hide, +8 natural)
Attacks: Huge club +12/+7 melee, 2 Huge clubs +12 melee, bite +14melee; or rock +5/+0 ranged, 2 rocks +5 ranged
Damage: Huge club 2d6+8, 2 Huge clubs 2d6+4, bite 2d8+4 andpoison; or rock 2d6+8, 2 rocks 2d6
FaceAndReach: 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft.
SpecialAttacks: Poison
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10
Abilities: Str 27, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Climb +16, Jump +16, Listen +7, Spot +7
Feats: Multiattack, Multidexterity, Multiweapon Fighting
ClimateAndTerrain: Temperate and warm hill, mountains, andunderground
Organization: Solitary, gang (2-4), or tribe (7-12)
ChallengeRating: 7
Treasure: 1/2 coins; double goods; standard items
Alignment: Often chaotic evil
Advancement: 15-28 HD (Huge)

Athachs speak a crude dialect of Giant.


Athachs charge into melee combat unless their opponents are out of reach, in which case they throw rocks. They sometimes try to overrun armored opponents to reach unarmored opponents in back ranks. With their first few melee attacks, athachs tend to flail about indiscriminately. After a few rounds, they concentrate on foes that have been hitting them most often and use their bites on whoever has dealt them the most damage.

Special Ability

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 22); initial damage 1d6 temporary Strength, secondary damage 2d6 temporary Strength.

SizeAndType: Medium-Size Outsider (Fire, Lawful)
HitDice: 2d8+2 (11)
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.
ArmorClass: 19 (+1 Dex, +6 natural, +2 large shield)
Attacks: Warhammer +3 melee; or halfspear +3 ranged
Damage: Warhammer 1d8+1 and 1 fire; or halfspear 1d6+1 and 1 fire
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
SpecialAttacks: Heat
SpecialQualities: SR 13, fire subtype
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 9
Skills: Climb +2, Craft (any one) +6, Hide -1, Listen +4, Search+4, Spot +5
Feats: Power Attack
ClimateAndTerrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, team (2-4), squad (11-20 plus 23rd-level sergeants and 1 leader of 3rd-6th level), or clan (30-100 plus 50% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 20 adults, 5 5th-level lieutenants, and 3 7th-level captains)
ChallengeRating: 2
Treasure: Standard coins; double goods (nonflammables only);standard items (nonflammables only)
Alignment: Always lawful neutral
Advancement: By character class

Azers speak Ignan and Common.


Azers use broad-headed spears or well-crafted hammers in combat. When unarmed, they attempt to grapple foes. They wear no armor, for their tough skin provides ample protection.

Special Ability

Heat (Ex): Azers' bodies are intensely hot, so their unarmed attacks deal additional fire damage. Their metallic weapons also conduct this heat.

Animated Object:Tiny Animated Object
SizeAndType: Tiny Construct
HitDice: 1/2 d10 (2)
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Speed: 40 ft. (50 ft. legs, 60 ft. multiple legs, 80 ft. wheels)
ArmorClass: 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex)
Attacks: Slam +1 melee
Damage: Slam 1d3-1
FaceAndReach: 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
SpecialAttacks: See text
SpecialQualities: See text
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will -5
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
ClimateAndTerrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Group (4)
ChallengeRating: 1/2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral

An animated object's abilities vary depending on its form. It always has the construct qualities, and can have one or more of the following special abilities.

Special Ability

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Special Ability

Blind (Ex): A sheetlike animated object such as a carpet or tapestry can grapple an opponent up to three sizes larger. The object makes a normal grapple check. If it gets a hold, it wraps itself around the opponent's head, blinding that creature until removed. The blinded creature cannot make Spot, Search, or Track checks and suffers a -6 circumstance penalty to other checks related to perception, such as Listen.

Special Ability

Constrict (Ex): A flexible animated object such as a rope, vine, or rug deals automatic slam damage with a successful grapple check against creatures up to one size larger than itself. An object of at least Large size can make constrict attacks against multiple creatures at once, if they all are at least two sizes smaller than the object and fit under it.

Special Ability

Trample (Ex): An animated object of at least Large size and with a hardness of at least 10 can trample creatures two or more sizes smaller for the object's slam damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the object can attempt Reflex saves (DC 10 + 1/2 object's HD) to halve the damage.

Special Ability

Hardness (Ex): An animated object has the same hardness it had before it was animated.

Special Ability

Improved Speed (Ex): The base speeds given in the statistics block assume that animated objects lurch, rock, or slither along. Objects with two legs (statues, ladders) or a similar shape that allows faster movement have a speed bonus of 10 feet. Objects with multiple legs (tables, chairs) have a speed bonus of 20 feet. Wheeled objects gain a speed bonus of 40 feet. Objects might have additional modes of movement. A wooden object can float and has a swim speed equal to half its land speed. A rope or similar sinuous object has a climb speed equal to half its land speed. A sheetlike object can fly (clumsy maneuverability) at half its normal speed.

Animated Object:Small Animated Object
SizeAndType: Small Construct
HitDice: 1d10 (5)
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft. (40 ft. legs, 50 ft. multiple legs, 70 ft. wheels)
ArmorClass: 14 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +2 natural)
Attacks: Slam +1 melee
Damage: Slam 1d4
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
SpecialAttacks: See text
SpecialQualities: See text
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will -5
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 12, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
ClimateAndTerrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Pair
ChallengeRating: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral

An animated object's abilities vary depending on its form. It always has the construct qualities, and can have one or more of the following special abilities.

Special Ability

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Special Ability

Blind (Ex): A sheetlike animated object such as a carpet or tapestry can grapple an opponent up to three sizes larger. The object makes a normal grapple check. If it gets a hold, it wraps itself around the opponent's head, blinding that creature until removed. The blinded creature cannot make Spot, Search, or Track checks and suffers a -6 circumstance penalty to other checks related to perception, such as Listen.

Special Ability

Constrict (Ex): A flexible animated object such as a rope, vine, or rug deals automatic slam damage with a successful grapple check against creatures up to one size larger than itself. An object of at least Large size can make constrict attacks against multiple creatures at once, if they all are at least two sizes smaller than the object and fit under it.

Special Ability

Trample (Ex): An animated object of at least Large size and with a hardness of at least 10 can trample creatures two or more sizes smaller for the object's slam damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the object can attempt Reflex saves (DC 10 + 1/2 object's HD) to halve the damage.

Special Ability

Hardness (Ex): An animated object has the same hardness it had before it was animated.

Special Ability

Improved Speed (Ex): The base speeds given in the statistics block assume that animated objects lurch, rock, or slither along. Objects with two legs (statues, ladders) or a similar shape that allows faster movement have a speed bonus of 10 feet. Objects with multiple legs (tables, chairs) have a speed bonus of 20 feet. Wheeled objects gain a speed bonus of 40 feet. Objects might have additional modes of movement. A wooden object can float and has a swim speed equal to half its land speed. A rope or similar sinuous object has a climb speed equal to half its land speed. A sheetlike object can fly (clumsy maneuverability) at half its normal speed.

Animated Object:Medium-Size Animated Object
SizeAndType: Medium-Size Construct
HitDice: 2d10 (11)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. (40 ft. legs, 50 ft. multiple legs, 70 ft. wheels)
ArmorClass: 14 (+4 natural)
Attacks: Slam +2 melee
Damage: Slam 1d6+1
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
SpecialAttacks: See text
SpecialQualities: See text
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +0, Will -5
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
ClimateAndTerrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary
ChallengeRating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral

An animated object's abilities vary depending on its form. It always has the construct qualities, and can have one or more of the following special abilities.

Special Ability

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Special Ability

Blind (Ex): A sheetlike animated object such as a carpet or tapestry can grapple an opponent up to three sizes larger. The object makes a normal grapple check. If it gets a hold, it wraps itself around the opponent's head, blinding that creature until removed. The blinded creature cannot make Spot, Search, or Track checks and suffers a -6 circumstance penalty to other checks related to perception, such as Listen.

Special Ability

Constrict (Ex): A flexible animated object such as a rope, vine, or rug deals automatic slam damage with a successful grapple check against creatures up to one size larger than itself. An object of at least Large size can make constrict attacks against multiple creatures at once, if they all are at least two sizes smaller than the object and fit under it.

Special Ability

Trample (Ex): An animated object of at least Large size and with a hardness of at least 10 can trample creatures two or more sizes smaller for the object's slam damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the object can attempt Reflex saves (DC 10 + 1/2 object's HD) to halve the damage.

Special Ability

Hardness (Ex): An animated object has the same hardness it had before it was animated.

Special Ability

Improved Speed (Ex): The base speeds given in the statistics block assume that animated objects lurch, rock, or slither along. Objects with two legs (statues, ladders) or a similar shape that allows faster movement have a speed bonus of 10 feet. Objects with multiple legs (tables, chairs) have a speed bonus of 20 feet. Wheeled objects gain a speed bonus of 40 feet. Objects might have additional modes of movement. A wooden object can float and has a swim speed equal to half its land speed. A rope or similar sinuous object has a climb speed equal to half its land speed. A sheetlike object can fly (clumsy maneuverability) at half its normal speed.

Animated Object:Large Animated Object
SizeAndType: Large Construct
HitDice: 4d10 (22)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (30 ft. legs, 40 ft. multiple legs, 60 ft. wheels)
ArmorClass: 14 (-1 size, +5 natural)
Attacks: Slam +5 melee
Damage: Slam 1d8+4
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. (long) 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. (tall)
SpecialAttacks: See text
SpecialQualities: See text
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will -4
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
ClimateAndTerrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary
ChallengeRating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral

An animated object's abilities vary depending on its form. It always has the construct qualities, and can have one or more of the following special abilities.

Special Ability

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Special Ability

Blind (Ex): A sheetlike animated object such as a carpet or tapestry can grapple an opponent up to three sizes larger. The object makes a normal grapple check. If it gets a hold, it wraps itself around the opponent's head, blinding that creature until removed. The blinded creature cannot make Spot, Search, or Track checks and suffers a -6 circumstance penalty to other checks related to perception, such as Listen.

Special Ability

Constrict (Ex): A flexible animated object such as a rope, vine, or rug deals automatic slam damage with a successful grapple check against creatures up to one size larger than itself. An object of at least Large size can make constrict attacks against multiple creatures at once, if they all are at least two sizes smaller than the object and fit under it.

Special Ability

Trample (Ex): An animated object of at least Large size and with a hardness of at least 10 can trample creatures two or more sizes smaller for the object's slam damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the object can attempt Reflex saves (DC 10 + 1/2 object's HD) to halve the damage.

Special Ability

Hardness (Ex): An animated object has the same hardness it had before it was animated.

Special Ability

Improved Speed (Ex): The base speeds given in the statistics block assume that animated objects lurch, rock, or slither along. Objects with two legs (statues, ladders) or a similar shape that allows faster movement have a speed bonus of 10 feet. Objects with multiple legs (tables, chairs) have a speed bonus of 20 feet. Wheeled objects gain a speed bonus of 40 feet. Objects might have additional modes of movement. A wooden object can float and has a swim speed equal to half its land speed. A rope or similar sinuous object has a climb speed equal to half its land speed. A sheetlike object can fly (clumsy maneuverability) at half its normal speed.

Animated Object:Huge Animated Object
SizeAndType: Huge Construct
HitDice: 8d10 (44)
Initiative: -1 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft. (30 ft. legs, 40 ft. multiple legs, 60 ft. wheels)
ArmorClass: 13 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +6 natural)
Attacks: Slam +9 melee
Damage: Slam 2d6+7
FaceAndReach: 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. (long) 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft. (tall)
SpecialAttacks: See text
SpecialQualities: See text
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -3
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
ClimateAndTerrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary
ChallengeRating: 5
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral

An animated object's abilities vary depending on its form. It always has the construct qualities, and can have one or more of the following special abilities.

Special Ability

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Special Ability

Blind (Ex): A sheetlike animated object such as a carpet or tapestry can grapple an opponent up to three sizes larger. The object makes a normal grapple check. If it gets a hold, it wraps itself around the opponent's head, blinding that creature until removed. The blinded creature cannot make Spot, Search, or Track checks and suffers a -6 circumstance penalty to other checks related to perception, such as Listen.

Special Ability

Constrict (Ex): A flexible animated object such as a rope, vine, or rug deals automatic slam damage with a successful grapple check against creatures up to one size larger than itself. An object of at least Large size can make constrict attacks against multiple creatures at once, if they all are at least two sizes smaller than the object and fit under it.

Special Ability

Trample (Ex): An animated object of at least Large size and with a hardness of at least 10 can trample creatures two or more sizes smaller for the object's slam damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the object can attempt Reflex saves (DC 10 + 1/2 object's HD) to halve the damage.

Special Ability

Hardness (Ex): An animated object has the same hardness it had before it was animated.

Special Ability

Improved Speed (Ex): The base speeds given in the statistics block assume that animated objects lurch, rock, or slither along. Objects with two legs (statues, ladders) or a similar shape that allows faster movement have a speed bonus of 10 feet. Objects with multiple legs (tables, chairs) have a speed bonus of 20 feet. Wheeled objects gain a speed bonus of 40 feet. Objects might have additional modes of movement. A wooden object can float and has a swim speed equal to half its land speed. A rope or similar sinuous object has a climb speed equal to half its land speed. A sheetlike object can fly (clumsy maneuverability) at half its normal speed.

Animated Object:Gargantuan Animated Object
SizeAndType: Gargantuan Construct
HitDice: 16d10 (88)
Initiative: -2 (Dex)
Speed: 10 ft. (20 ft. legs, 30 ft. multiple legs, 50 ft. wheels)
ArmorClass: 12 (-4 size, -2 Dex, +8 natural)
Attacks: Slam +15 melee
Damage: Slam 2d8+10
FaceAndReach: 20 ft. by 40 ft./10 ft. (long) 20 ft. by 20 ft./20 ft. (tall)
SpecialAttacks: See text
SpecialQualities: See text
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +0
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 6, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
ClimateAndTerrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary
ChallengeRating: 7
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral

An animated object's abilities vary depending on its form. It always has the construct qualities, and can have one or more of the following special abilities.

Special Ability

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Special Ability

Blind (Ex): A sheetlike animated object such as a carpet or tapestry can grapple an opponent up to three sizes larger. The object makes a normal grapple check. If it gets a hold, it wraps itself around the opponent's head, blinding that creature until removed. The blinded creature cannot make Spot, Search, or Track checks and suffers a -6 circumstance penalty to other checks related to perception, such as Listen.

Special Ability

Constrict (Ex): A flexible animated object such as a rope, vine, or rug deals automatic slam damage with a successful grapple check against creatures up to one size larger than itself. An object of at least Large size can make constrict attacks against multiple creatures at once, if they all are at least two sizes smaller than the object and fit under it.

Special Ability

Trample (Ex): An animated object of at least Large size and with a hardness of at least 10 can trample creatures two or more sizes smaller for the object's slam damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the object can attempt Reflex saves (DC 10 + 1/2 object's HD) to halve the damage.

Special Ability

Hardness (Ex): An animated object has the same hardness it had before it was animated.

Special Ability

Improved Speed (Ex): The base speeds given in the statistics block assume that animated objects lurch, rock, or slither along. Objects with two legs (statues, ladders) or a similar shape that allows faster movement have a speed bonus of 10 feet. Objects with multiple legs (tables, chairs) have a speed bonus of 20 feet. Wheeled objects gain a speed bonus of 40 feet. Objects might have additional modes of movement. A wooden object can float and has a swim speed equal to half its land speed. A rope or similar sinuous object has a climb speed equal to half its land speed. A sheetlike object can fly (clumsy maneuverability) at half its normal speed.

Animated Object:Colossal Animated Object
SizeAndType: Colossal Construct
HitDice: 32d10 (176)
Initiative: -3 (Dex)
Speed: 10 ft. (20 ft. legs, 30 ft. multiple legs, 50 ft. wheels)
ArmorClass: 11 (-8 size, -3 Dex, +12 natural)
Attacks: Slam +25 melee
Damage: Slam 4d6+13
FaceAndReach: 40 ft. by 80 ft./15 ft. (long) 40 ft. by 40 ft./25 ft. (tall)
SpecialAttacks: See text
SpecialQualities: See text
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +5
Abilities: Str 28, Dex 4, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
ClimateAndTerrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary
ChallengeRating: 10
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral

An animated object's abilities vary depending on its form. It always has the construct qualities, and can have one or more of the following special abilities.

Special Ability

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Special Ability

Blind (Ex): A sheetlike animated object such as a carpet or tapestry can grapple an opponent up to three sizes larger. The object makes a normal grapple check. If it gets a hold, it wraps itself around the opponent's head, blinding that creature until removed. The blinded creature cannot make Spot, Search, or Track checks and suffers a -6 circumstance penalty to other checks related to perception, such as Listen.

Special Ability

Constrict (Ex): A flexible animated object such as a rope, vine, or rug deals automatic slam damage with a successful grapple check against creatures up to one size larger than itself. An object of at least Large size can make constrict attacks against multiple creatures at once, if they all are at least two sizes smaller than the object and fit under it.

Special Ability

Trample (Ex): An animated object of at least Large size and with a hardness of at least 10 can trample creatures two or more sizes smaller for the object's slam damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the object can attempt Reflex saves (DC 10 + 1/2 object's HD) to halve the damage.

Special Ability

Hardness (Ex): An animated object has the same hardness it had before it was animated.

Special Ability

Improved Speed (Ex): The base speeds given in the statistics block assume that animated objects lurch, rock, or slither along. Objects with two legs (statues, ladders) or a similar shape that allows faster movement have a speed bonus of 10 feet. Objects with multiple legs (tables, chairs) have a speed bonus of 20 feet. Wheeled objects gain a speed bonus of 40 feet. Objects might have additional modes of movement. A wooden object can float and has a swim speed equal to half its land speed. A rope or similar sinuous object has a climb speed equal to half its land speed. A sheetlike object can fly (clumsy maneuverability) at half its normal speed.

SizeAndType: Small Outsider (Air)
HitDice: 3d8+3 (16)
Initiative: +5 (Dex)
Speed: Fly 60 ft. (perfect)
ArmorClass: 20 (+1 size, +5 Dex, +4 natural)
Attacks: Electricity ray +9 ranged touch; or bite +9 melee
Damage: Electricity ray 2d6; or bite 1d6+1
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
SpecialAttacks: Electricity ray
SpecialQualities: Immunities, fire and cold resistance 20
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +4
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 21, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 13
Skills: Intuit Direction +2, Listen +7, Search +7, Sense Motive +7, Spot +7
Feats: Weapon Finesse (bite)
ClimateAndTerrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary or clutch (2-4)
ChallengeRating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small)

Arrowhawks speak Auran, but they are not talkative creatures.

Special Ability

Electricity Ray (Su): An arrowhawk can fire this ray once a round, with a range of 45 feet.

Special Ability

Immunities (Ex): Arrowhawks have acid, electricity, and poison immunity.

SizeAndType: Medium-Size Outsider (Air)
HitDice: 7d8+7 (38)
Initiative: +5 (Dex)
Speed: Fly 60 ft. (perfect)
ArmorClass: 21 (+5 Dex, +6 natural)
Attacks: Electricity ray +12 ranged touch; or bite +12 melee
Damage: Electricity ray 2d8; or bite 1d8+2
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
SpecialAttacks: Electricity ray
SpecialQualities: Immunities, fire and cold resistance 20
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +6
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 21, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 13
Skills: Escape Artist +15, Intuit Direction +7, Listen +11, Search +10, Sense Motive +11, Spot +11
Feats: Dodge, Weapon Finesse (bite)
ClimateAndTerrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary or clutch (2-4)
ChallengeRating: 5
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Medium-size)

Arrowhawks speak Auran, but they are not talkative creatures.

Special Ability

Electricity Ray (Su): An arrowhawk can fire this ray once a round, with a range of 45 feet.

Special Ability

Immunities (Ex): Arrowhawks have acid, electricity, and poison immunity.

SizeAndType: Large Outsider (Air)
HitDice: 15d8+45 (112)
Initiative: +5 (Dex)
Speed: Fly 60 ft. (perfect)
ArmorClass: 22 (-1 size, +5 Dex, +8 natural)
Attacks: Electricity ray +19 ranged touch; or bite +20 melee
Damage: Electricity ray 2d8; or bite 2d6+9
FaceAndReach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
SpecialAttacks: Electricity ray
SpecialQualities: Immunities, fire and cold resistance 20
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +10
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 13
Skills: Escape Artist +23, Intuit Direction +16, Knowledge (Plane of Air) +15, Listen +19, Search +18, Sense Motive +19, Spot +19
Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Weapon Finesse (bite)
ClimateAndTerrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary or clutch (2-4)
ChallengeRating: 8
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 16-24 HD (Large); 25-32HD (Gargantuan)

Arrowhawks speak Auran, but they are not talkative creatures.

Special Ability

Electricity Ray (Su): An arrowhawk can fire this ray once a round, with a range of 45 feet.

Special Ability

Immunities (Ex): Arrowhawks have acid, electricity, and poison immunity.